Your burning career questions: answered | Hosted by Handshake

Handshake Chief Education Strategy Officer Christine Cruzvergara shares advice about building your career path.

Launching your dream career can be overwhelming. There are so many questions that come up in the process of starting out—that’s why we joined with Handshake’s own Chief Education Strategy Officer, Christine Cruzvergara, to deliver answers to your questions about:

  • Making the most out of networking opportunities
  • Tailoring your resume to stand out in the job search
  • Understanding the recruitment process for different industries

Christine is an expert with years of career advising experience, who during the event shared strategies to help you be successful this fall recruitment. She provided expert advice for how to shine in a cover letter, making the most of your relevant skills, and seamlessly transitioning from one industry to another.

Be sure to follow Christine for her answers to questions that didn’t get tackled during this session.